Thursday 11 August 2016

The Selene Effect - Chapter 5 - 6

Story by Stephen Elmy
Narration by Lisa Indigo

Begin log Selene Shepard 5:

 So now I was as ‘powerful’ as Saren, I only answered to the Council, and if I chose not to listen to anyone else, then they couldn't stop me; I now knew how it felt to be Maria Vanderhoff *giggle*.  You would think I would simply jump on the fastest ship off the Citadel and make Saren fit into a small box, but my curiosity became piqued by hearing about someone known as 'The Asari Consort'.
I mentioned I find the Asari fascinating, but this was different! By all accounts this consort sounded like a Kindred, despite how impossible it should have been, but the level of awe, control, mystery and influence she seemed to have over everyone seemed nothing short of breathtaking... I just 'had' to know more... Her name was Sha'ira according to the Asari girl at the entrance to her establishment, an enigmatic name to go with an enigmatic Asari I thought... Apparently the establishment was some kind of Therapy-like in-house Escort kind of place.  The clientele I could see from the entrance seemed very happy, almost too happy... I had to keep repeating 'there are no Asari Kindred' to myself, especially given the first-hand experience I had already had trying to feed off one!  So how could Kindred ever turn one without turning into a Smurf!? I did giggle at imagining Maria with blue skin though *giggle*.  I asked about making and appointment with Sha'ira and wasn't surprised to hear the waiting-time was 3 to 4 months... So I asked about an appointment with any of Sha'ira's Asari staff, which would get me in the door and closer to learning Sha'ira's secrets, but again I was told the waiting time was 3 to 4 months.  I then realised with equal annoyance and intrigue that Sha'ira's Asari had been conditioned to be immune to both visual and psychological influence!  Feeling defeated, but vying to find another way, I turned to leave.  Suddenly, I heard a voice from the back and the Asari at the entrance whose name was apparently 'Nelyna' said that Sha'ira was asking to speak to me!!!  My curiosity level increased only further at this!

Saturday 21 May 2016

Callidora, The Gift of Beauty

The Gift of Beauty

by Lisa Indigo

Blinking slowly, I let my eyes adjust to the lights around me. Everything was blurry, unfocused. Shapes seemed to dance as I swiveled my gaze around the room I was in. It was suppose to be a familiar sight, as I’d spend years here, studying, poring over ancient tomes and texts. But I could only seem to make out the outlines of my treasured books. As I was feeling the fatigue of slumber leave my body, a realization dawned on me. I brought my hands up to my face, my thick rimmed glasses still fixed onto my head. A shiver ran through me when I gently took them off, closing my eyes in anticipation.

When I reopened them after setting them aside, everything became clear to me. Literally, in fact, as I could suddenly see with a clearness that I’d never experienced before. Excitement ran through me when I took in the room with my amplified senses. Not a piece of parchment was out of place since I’d last seen it, the night before, but somehow it seemed like I was taking it anew.  My cluttered desk, filled with time-worn documents on all matters of the occult, complemented with my own frantic scribbles. The walls hidden by sheets I’d drawn out, explaining puzzling rituals that the Regent had me study. I could make out all the little details, even from my current position.

The Regent. The thought of him stirred a whole new set of memories, of what led up to this moment. I’d always known that my rescue had been orchestrated by the same clan I now completely belonged to. They had given me everything. A new life, and a new name: Bożena Kwiatkowska. The Tremere’s goals were often beyond comprehension for anyone not within its highest ranks, so I never tried to questioned it. Instead, I made the most out of my new lease on life, giving my best both to serve the family I was adopted into, and to my studies. But not too long after I enrolled into the Oxford university to study Symbology, the Regent had taken a special interest in me.

I was never one to complain about the opportunity to learn, to explore and to experiment, so I took well to his personal tutelage. When he first showed me his magic, something I’d come to know as Thaumaturgy, or blood magic, I thought it to be an illusion of sorts. It wasn’t until he taught me to master it myself, that I started to understand just what kind of organization I was dealing with.

When I lived my life with my Revenant family, they never fully explained the elixirs I was given for ‘strength’. Questions were ignored, so I figured it some sort of medicine. During my time with the Regent, I’d come to understand the true power of the blood. A sect of vampires, or Kindred as they called themselves, dedicated to understanding the obscure magic of this world. 

And now, I was one of them. Sired, by my tutor, the Regent, only the night before. It was a well prepared event, and he wanted me to fully comprehend several Thaumaturgy paths before he even considered the blessing. I should’ve felt afraid when I felt my own life essence flow from my body into his, but the allure of being able to study forever was stronger than anything else. Just before I felt my life leave me, he offered me his own blood. A ritual blade was sliced along his wrist, and I barely registered the thick liquid making it’s way down my throat, transforming my body.

Suddenly, I was eager to explore everything about my new senses. Quickly I hopped out of bed, marveling at the lack of vertigo, and made my way over to my desk. I ran my fingers along the leather of a book, enjoying the sensation. Picking up a different tome, I held it under my nose. Inhaling deeply, I felt as if I could smell the paper, the ink, the dust, all as individual aspects. The soft rustling of the pages as I leafed through it made my scalp tingle and my head buzz. Letting my eyes dart over the contents, an interesting documentation on Greek mythology, a single name stood out. Callidora, the gift of beauty.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Mel's Tale - Part 2 - A Response to Tragedy by Callisto

Story by Callisto

Narration by Lisa Indigo

What does it mean to be in love with Tragedy? When the sorrow weighs heavy on my heart, and continuing on means more agony. But then this disparate love somehow… drives me forward.

But what is the point, when sadness begets only sadness, and I find myself more comfortable with its caresse? Happiness becomes a fleeting memory, and a mere gauge to measure how far I’ve fallen into despair.

I feel this anguish seep into my veins, tainting what little is left of my true self.

And so, as a matter of survival, I have learned to extract such venom, through much hardship, and mix it with oil. I use this combination to devise my paintings, and infuse them with my very essence. These are the pieces that have held you spellbound for nights on end.

It all stems from my love for you, Melpomene; my love of Tragedy.

Friday 11 March 2016

The Selene Effect - Chapter 3 - 4

Story by Stephen Elmy
Narration by Lisa Indigo

Begin log Selene Shepard 3:

 So, we arrived on the Citadel, and it's a good thing I was used to throwing huge Balls and Parties before my Shepard days because the Citadel isn't for the reclusive.  I had to 'listen' to the human ambassador spout rhetoric which would have been enough for me to get out of there and leave the humans to their silly wining, but for Captain Anderson.  The man gave off an aura of courage and respect that I hadn't seen since Maria...I bet she's mad I got away... But Captain Anderson was endearing, for a non-kindred... Even wondered if he was a ghoul at one point, but he aged, shame... I was thankful for my 'saviors' telling me I could do things 'my way'; it still surprises me how easily us kindred can influence humans with words or a stare, and they forget their annoying wining and you can keep doing it to them later without them understanding what your doing to them... Silly humans.  I made the rhetoric stop.  I was then told I had to go to some tower, but I wanted to have fun...

One thing I had to get used to, was almost always being followed by 2 others.  I like crowds, but personal time is important too, and being tethered to 2 others could be thought as a violation of personal space.  First time on the Citadel I was followed by Kaidan, no biggie, and Ashley... At least she was easy to silence... But back to the Citadel.  If you took all of the different kindred clans and ghouls in all their varieties, especially the Tzimisce, it would be nothing compared to the races and people on the Citadel!  It was decidedly homely if it wasn't for one particular point... Vitae.  I was told I could feed if I really needed to as long as I didn't let others see, but I learned the hard way when I couldn't badly needed Vitae and indulged myself.  I hadn't realised how long it had been since I had fed until I saw an Asari in a corner... It was in side corridor, secluded and overlooked, and she was so beautiful... I had managed to plant a suggestion into Kaidan's mind to say my name if he saw me freeze, and Ashley was easy enough to influence to make her talk to Kaidan so that they wouldn't see... 

Wednesday 2 March 2016

The Selene Effect - Chapter 1 - 2

Story by Stephen Elmy
Narration by Lisa Indigo

Begin log Selene Shepard 1:

Log... I can remembered when the only logs I knew of were in the forest near our home... Where can I begin... It's been so long... I can barely remember the steps that were taken to 'safeguard my life' as someone once put it.  All I remember back then are fragments of emotions, and even they feel like someone else's... The Malkavian... My life... The rosary... Soe... My old life if you can call what Kindred have a 'life' ended with something I never thought would happen... They let me see Soe...It much...Soe... Where are you...?  Sorry, it hurts every time I think of Soe now, but more about that later.
After that Selene Liselore De Vries ceased to be, or ceased to matter, I no longer remember... My 'saviours', not knowing how best to rewrite my life, staked me... I no it doesn't kill us... But it still hurts my heart...especially since her… Next I remember I woke up when someone called my name, though it seemed right at the time, it took me a while to realise what happened before someone called me 'Shepard', Selene Shepard.  When I looked in the mirror, it wasn’t quite ‘me’ staring back... Oh they were my piercing red eyes, eyes that had helped me many times to get what I wanted... My red lips, like Vitae and fire, my hair was all red now, didn't bother me, looked good... but I was taller, again, not a problem, height is good... But I had aged... How was that even possible? We kindred don't 'age'... It was explained to me that it was done for my safety, to hide me from my enemies... I don't remember them. 
Selene Shepard was born on April 11th 2154 on Mindoir in the 'Attican Traverse'... Places still alien to me, though they are more beautiful than Amsterdam, and that mattered more than it should have.  Whoever 'remade' me couldn't undo Cain's curse that we Toreador are obsessed by true beauty, though they did somehow plant a hypnotic suggestion in my head.  When Toreador see the kind of beauty I have seen, they can be frozen forever, but when someone says 'shepard', then its like a liberating thaw comes over me, and I'm back in the situation at hand.  I hate being...hypnotized but I'd thank whoever did that to me.  I was told I was in the 'alliance military' which I enlisted in after being saved from slavers who slaughtered my family and friends... That point even though I don't remember it bothers me more than it should have.  What made me laugh though was that I was some medal-gifted hero who saved many under impossible odds, though the odds of how I got here are certainly impossible.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

#8 - Reporting to your Ventrue Prince and her ditzy secretary

Reporting to your Ventrue Prince and her ditzy secretary


Personal attention, chewing gum, typing, writing,

You are calling into the Prince's office, but not before meeting with her assistant, "Belle". She comes across as ditzy, but you will later learn that not all things are as they seem.
Maria Vanderhoff herself tasks you with finding out someone's whereabouts; one of her subjects, a Toreador called Selene. She asks, or well, commands you, to enter the sewers and meet with one of her Nosferatu agents. Not wanting to lose an opportunity to gain a boon with the Prince, you set out on your quest.
But you feel that finding Selene is only the start of this mess..

#7 - Alicia Vampire Hypno Session

Alicia Vampire Hypno Session


Mouth sounds/clicking, repeated words, echo, hypnosis, trippy visuals, hand movements

Alicia found her Little One especially stressed out from running errands for her, and decides to enter their mind, and relax them with hypnosis.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Selene Liselore De Vries: Origin Story

Hello, my dear.. You are here because you want to know more about me, are you not..? Heh, well, I certainly don’t mind divulging a little bit. My name, Selene Liselore De Vries, can be heard during every social event in the city, and perhaps even beyond that. Many know me for my charm and grace, my extensive knowledge about everything worth knowing in these nights.. but not many know my true tale. And that is why you are here, no? Well, sweetheart… let’s start at the beginning..

 I was born, not even that long ago, in the beautiful city of Leiden. The 13th of June, which makes me a Gemini. Never put that much stock into horoscopes, but I have always felt.. an emptiness. Like a part of me was missing. Perhaps a twin, that I never had.. But, three years after my birth, life did give me a beautiful baby sister, Soe. I loved her from the moment she was born, and always felt an intense need to protect her.

 We grew up, for the most part, happily with our parents, in the family mansion. Me and Soe.. we never had a want for anything. Our parents came from wealth, and we enjoyed the best schooling and care possible. Even though we went to school just like other children our age, we always seemed to have trouble connecting with others. So, we mostly stuck together, and ignored everything that could threaten to pull us apart.

 Things were wonderful, for a while. Our father, Arjen, had a difficult personality. He was prone to indulging in pleasures such as gambling and drinking. He seemed to believe the family’s riches were infinite, and loved the thrill of risky investments. One in particular went incredibly sour and, seemingly overnight, we lost nearly all of our fortune. I was in shock, in denial. I had come so used to being able to live in safety, in luxury. All of that, gone, in an instant.

 Thankfully, we were still able to stay in the mansion, but it quickly fell into disrepair with all of our staff gone. Life as we had known it, however, was over.. Dad.. couldn’t cope. With no wealth left to gamble away, he took to his other vice; drinking. It was so hard to see him like this.. Despite his faults, he had always been a good father. But fuelled by his alcoholism, he turned into an abusive shell of his former self. His lust and rage amplified by the addiction, he directed it onto me and Soe.  I.. did what I had to. Did everything I could to protect my dear sister. But any pain I could spare her, was worth the violent abuse.

 Sadly, things only got worse over the years. Our mother, Carolien, couldn’t cope either. For years, she had been a loving, caring mother. But seeing her life collapse around her, the way her husband harmed.. violated her daughters, with nothing she could do about it.. it destroyed her. Instead of showing it outwardly, she let it wreck her psyche, and she fell into a deep psychosis. Without much ceremony, she was sent to a mental hospital in Eastern Europe. The day she left, was also the last time I’ve ever seen her. I have thought about visiting, but I wouldn’t want to agitate her fragile condition by revealing myself. Revealing the.. monster, that I have become..

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Maria Vanderhoff: Origin Story

My name.. is Maria Vanderhoff. You might know me better as Prince Vanderhoff or simply "Prince of Amsterdam." I am the sole ruler of the city, with it's many undead inhabitants answering directly to me. Of course, being the most respected and influential Kindred in the area, there are a lot of rumors surrounding me and my history. 

So today, I am granting you the opportunity to hear the real story.
Unlike some in our society, I have chosen to maintain my full name given to me as a human child. Maria, born into the well-esteemed Vanderhoff family. My linage goes back centuries, and my forefathers were a substantial element in the prosperity of the region. They didn't own a single field, but dabbled in many, and were thus able to extend their influence far and wide, and grow their fortune. 

My family estate was located in Aerdenhout, a small town bordering on Haarlem and Heemstede, which in turn border on Amsterdam. This area is reserved for sizable mansion and vacation chateau's. 

I never had a want for anything, as my parents wealth was able to buy me anything my heart desired. Enjoying the best homeschooling money could buy, I was instructed in both the standard curriculum and advanced business and politics. After that, I went to an expensive and well-esteemed private school in Haarlem. 

Here, my parents weren't able to keep a close eye on me. Or should I say, my caretakers. I saw my au-pairs and instructors more than I ever saw my mother and father, as they were always working or on business trips. Finally being away from the scrutinizing eye of anyone my parents directly employed, I started to rebel against their morals.

The other 'rich kids' at the school only encouraged this bad behavior, and I quickly fell into a routine of drug-filled parties at night, and amphetamine fueled study sessions during the day. 
My poison of choice was always morphine, however. I loved how the drug would pull me under and away from the responsibilities of daily reality. Ideally, I would've liked to state that I handled my addiction well, but the truth is; I didn't.